
September 14, 1224, Assisi, Italy
On Mount Alvernia, Father Francis prays on his knees asking God to allow him to experience the pain and suffering of Jesus at the time of the crucifixion... Shortly afterwards, he shows nail wounds on his hands and feet, while blood is running down his forehead as if a crown of thorns had been placed on his head... A few months later, the official Catholic Church recognizes Father Francis as the first man to display stigmata...
October 21, 1896, Pluckley, England
Howls wake the peaceful village in the middle of the night... The desperate father runs upstairs to the top floor of his humble home and breathlessly discovers that there are wounds all over his little daughter's limbs... With trembling hands and thinking that his child is suffering from some disease of the time, he writes a letter urgently asking for medical help and sends it to the capital...
After a few days, a team of doctors set off from London to Pluckley to find out what exactly is happening to the girl... Mental state, disease of the times or reality? Think carefully before you get on the old carriage and start your journey there...
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